Find out the times of Masses and other services here.
Please note that changes to the regular weekly schedule will be included in the weekly bulletin.
Until further notice, all Masses at St Mirin’s Cathedral will be livestreamed daily on YouTube.
Regular Schedule
The regular schedule of Masses and other liturgies can be found below.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at St Mirin’s Cathedral
Saturday Vigil Masses | 4pm |
Sunday Masses | 8am 11am 2.30pm (Polish) |
Weekday Masses Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri Wed | 8am; 10am*; 1pm 8am; 6pm |
Saturday Masses | 8am (First Saturdays); 10am |
Holy Days of Obligation | 7pm (Vigil); 8am; 10am; 1pm |
* While the cathedral clergy have pastoral care of Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Bishopton, there will be no 10am weekday Masses in the cathedral.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Other Services at St James’ Church
Sunday | 9.30am |
Wednesday | 9.30am (9am Exposition and Rosary) |
At St Mirin’s Cathedral, confessions are heard from 5-6pm on Wednesdays and after 10am Mass on Saturdays.
At St James’ church, confessions are heard after 9.30am Mass on Sundays.
Eucharistic Adoration at St Mirin’s Cathedral
This takes place between the 10am and 1pm Masses on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; for one hour on Wednesday evenings before the 6pm Mass; and after 10am Mass on Saturday mornings, while confessions are being heard. To volunteer to become an adorer, email
Private Prayer
The cathedral is open for private prayer daily from around 7.30am Mass until around 4pm.
Funerals, Baptisms and Weddings
To arrange a funeral, a baptism or a wedding, please contact Monsignor Joe Burke or Father Ryan Black by calling 0141 889 2404 or emailing